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The great thing about nostalgia is that it is always needed. Another shirt, inspired by a fan at the recent PornHub awards, includes signatures from some of today's biggest porn stars. The pieces feature PornHub's now iconic logo, as well as Richardson's famous 'R,' alongside a print that includes flags of all the countries in which porn is legal, as well as the the ones where it's sadly not.

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So, when we heard the duo was releasing an all new limited edition line, well, we were more than pumped.Īvailable now, the second Richardson x PornHub collaboration is a 13-piece capsule including hoodies, crewnecks, bombers, slip-on sandals, baseball hats, tote bags, playing cards and socks-basically something for everyone, and their porn-loving dad.

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As fans of both Richardson and PornHub, we couldn't wait to get our hands on the collection.

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It was one of the season's most-talked about parties, with everyone either excited about the partnership or left wondering what the brand was doing getting into porn. Last fall, Richardson and PornHub teamed up on an a capsule collection that they celebrated with a massive rager during Fashion Week.

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