Gay porn games apps

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An LBS positioning system helps players to stay connected in the real world and the game’s real-time translation feature makes it possible for players from around the world to converse freely among four different languages. The game is broken into story missions and there’s a PvP battle system allowing players to determine who’s more stylish. Gaydorado is a gay-themed dating/marriage/runway-battle sim packed with cute, homoerotic visuals and a huge assortment of provocative apparel and accessories for your characters to wear. These games all include some kind of homoerotic romance, whether its the main focus or just a subplot.

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This month we’ll be looking at LGBTQ-inclusive mobile games that are available for both Android & iOS. Arvo Otterman explores mobile games that include homoerotic romance options, as well as some browser games that go even further.

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